Radiologic Technologist Schools, Certification and Licensure Information by State

It is important to learn about your states requirements for radiologic technologist certification and or licensure prior to selecting a radiologic technologist school. The majority of states have specific eligibility requirements to practice as a radiologic technologist. Some states require the completion of a radiologic technologist program at a state approved school.

Radiologic technologists have direct contact with patients explaining procedures, answering questions about these procedures and preparing patients for procedures. The most common procedures a radiologic technologist finds themselves conducting are x-rays, fluoroscopies, and sonograms. Radiologic technologists view images produced during these procedures and in some cases will consult with the radiologist regarding what they see. Radiologic technologists have a lot of accountability both to the patient and the organization they work for. For these reasons, states have implemented regulations and requirements for their radiologic technologists.

Select your state in the table below to learn about requirements, certifications, licensure and the schools offering radiologic technologist programs.