West Virginia Radiologic Technologist Schools

West Virginia licenses radiology technologists in radiography as well as in several related disciplines. If you’re drawn to the field, your first step is to decide what modality you want to pursue. Most of the state’s radiology technology programs focus on radiography, but there are also programs in radiation therapy and nuclear medicine. West Virginia University Hospitals Inc. admits a few select students into an MRI program. There are other modalities available, but most don’t require separate license and you typically train for them later.

What should I look for when selecting a program in West Virginia?

The most essential thing is that your program is accredited. You will find a list of accredited programs on the board site. Some are associate level; others are offered as certificate programs. There is also one baccalaureate level radiologic sciences program at the University of Charleston. Beginning in 2015, an associate degree or higher will be a requirement for credentialing, but this doesn’t mean certificate programs will cease to be an option. Your degree can be granted by an academic institution and your radiology certificate by a medical center.

You may want to ask about internship opportunities when requesting information. Field experience is standard, but schools have different partnerships and clinical sites; some may do a better job of putting you into your favored setting.

Radiologic Program Completion Requirements in WV

As you go through the program, you will complete a wide range of radiologic procedures. Your program director will eventually need to sign that you’ve completed all required procedures; this documentation will be sent to the American Registry of Radiologic Assistants. Before you can be licensed by the West Virginia Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board of Examiners, you will need to be certified by the ARRT.

You can begin the paperwork process when you’re in the final months of the program, but you won’t actually take the exam until you’re finished. Fortunately, you can work under a temporary license while you’re waiting to take the exam. You will need to demonstrate that you’ve registered.

If you graduated from a foreign school, you’ll need to have your education evaluated. If it’s found to be equivalent, you can sit for the West Virginia licensing examination.

Career Advancement opportunities

Eventually, you may want to pursue certification in other modalities. The ARRT offers a range of choices. The West Virginia Society of Radiologic Technologists is a good resource when it comes to working in different areas of the field. There are reps for radiology technologists in computed tomography, mammography, nuclear medicine, and sonography.

Career Outlook for Radiogic Technologists in West Virginia

West Virginia has a lot of radiology technologists. In fact, the state is #1 in the nation when it comes to the percentage of the workforce that is employed in the field. In Morgantown, the concentration is especially high — it’s fourth out of all metropolitan areas in the nation. Morgantown is the home base for renowned West Virginia Universities Hospitals, Inc. Settings like this employ a lot of workers who are adept in specialty areas.

The future looks bright for those entering the field. Workforce West Virginia lists radiology technology as a statewide in-demand occupation. Growth is not even throughout the state, but Workforce Investment Areas 2, 3, and 6 have the career listed as in-demand.
The average wage for West Virginia’s radiology technologists is $21.31 an hour or $44,330 a year.

West Virginia Radiology Technology Licensing and Professional Organizations Contact Information

  • Licensing Agency: West Virginia Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board of Examiners

Click Here to visit their website.

  • Professional Organization: West Virginia Society of Radiologic Technologists

Click Here to visit the website

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