Radiologic Technologist Schools and Certification Options in GA

Georgia does not license radiologic technologists, but employers typically do ask for credentialing. As a Georgia radiology technician, you can earn certification through the American Registry of Radiology Technologists. The first step is enrolling in an educational program that is accredited by some agency recognized by the ARRT. Find radiology technology schools and related programs offered in Gerogia.

Currently, a person has the option of completing a diploma, certificate, or degree program. Beginning in 2015, however, only graduates with degrees at the associate’s level or higher will be eligible for certification. The academic degree, however, does not need to be in radiology, so the pathway may be shorter if you’ve already got a degree.

What you will need to do – regardless of the level of your program – is demonstrate competency in all areas mandated by the ARRT. Your radiology program director will need to verify that you have successfully completed all procedures on the required list; you will also need to complete the requisite number of elective procedures. Your school will probably have affiliations with multiple health care centers. Clinical placements give you practical experience – they also give you a chance to impress potential employers.

A later step is taking the certification examination. You may begin the application process up to 90 days before program completion. You will need to demonstrate that you meet the ARRT’s ethics standards. You will be given a three month exam eligibility window. You will schedule an exam at your convenience through Pearson VUE.

Your employer may well ask that you maintain active registration with the ARRT. This means meeting continuing education requirements as well as staying current on paperwork (and paying renewal fees).

Some radiology technologists take specialty exams to earn additional certifications and increase their employment options. Options include bone densitometry, mammography, and MRI, among others. Currently, you become eligible for post-primary certification by completing the required clinical procedures — for example, carrying out examinations and quality control procedures. The ARRT has forms to use to document your competencies. Beginning in 2016, there will also be structured education requirements.

Radiologic Technologist Career Outlook in Georgia

Georgia’s radiology technicians and technologists make a mean salary of $50,640, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 80% earn between $34,280 and $69,040. Geography has some impact. Those who work in nonmetropolitan areas in the southern part of the state tend to have wages below the mean. The Atlanta and Macon metropolitan areas, meanwhile, have salary averages between $52,000 and $53,000. Rome, Georgia has one of the highest concentrations of radiology technologists in the nation – and also has an average salary slightly above that of the state as a whole.

Years spent on the job will be a significant factor in determining salary. Specialty certifications may also increase earnings.

Statewide, demand for radiologic technologists and technicians was projected to grow 27% during the 2008 to 2018 decade. About 240 positions should need filling each year, when both job growth and replacement are figured in.

Contact Information for Professional Organizations and Certification Organizations

  • Certification Agency: American Registry of Radiologic Technologists

Click Here to visit their website.

  • Professional Organizations: Georgia Society of Radiologic Technologists

Click Here to visit their website. You also can find a list of programs on the site of the Georgia Society of Radiologic Technologists (a state professional organization).

  • Mammographers Society of Georgia

Click Here to visit their website.