New Hampshire Radiologic Technologist Schools

New Hampshire does not license radiology technologists, but there are still high standards in place. If you are considering becoming a radiology technologist in New Hampshire, you should know that the selectivity begins with program admission and continues on through the hiring process. New Hampshire employers will typically ask that you either have ARRT credentials or that you’re eligible for certification and agree to pursue it within a specified time frame. This means that you will need to enroll in a program that meets the ARRT’s standards for both didactic instruction and clinical work. You can confirm program eligibility by doing a search on the ARRT site.

You may be expected to complete prerequisite courses before formal admission. Your grades will typically be given consideration. Programs, however, are looking for more than just academic aptitude. They want to know that you have the stamina and stability to tolerate stress, make it through the program, and practice safely. You may need to do an observation beforehand. The process may entail an essay and/or interview.

As you progress through the program, you’ll do an increasing amount of hands-on work. You’ll move beyond the lab and out into the community. As a health care worker, you will be expected to have certification in Basic Life Support. A background check is typically also required.

Your internship will be a chance to catch the eye of future employers. While you’re in school, you may want to pursue membership in the New Hampshire Society of Radiologic Technologists. There’s no cost for a student membership — you’ll pay dues later, when you’re in a better position to afford it.

As your program is winding down, you can take your first steps toward certification. Your program director will sign the necessary paperwork, and you can apply to the American Society of Radiologic Technologists. The ARRT will screen your application, based on ethical and legal standards as well as educational ones. Once you’re approved to take the exam, you can schedule it yourself at whatever computerized testing center is most convenient.

Later, you may choose to enroll in additional classes and pursue specialty certifications. The ARRT census lists 1,494 certified radiographers in the state. Only a fraction of the radiographers, however, have certification in specialties like bone densitometry. A number of specialties are possible. Although cardiac technologies are often pursued as a separate discipline, many workers do cross-train. Radiography is an appropriate primary certification for several heart-related post-primary certifications.

Career Outlook for Radiologic Technologists in New Hampshire

All that hard work does pay off. The Bureau of Labor Statistics lists $59,300 as the average salary for a New Hampshire radiology technologist — not bad for a career that requires only an associate degree. You should be aware that there is a difference of almost $10,000 from the highest paying parts of the state to the lowest.

There are many factors that go into pay scale: your years of experience, your certifications, the demands of the job. Premier hospitals pay more than doctor’s offices, but they can be very demanding.

New Hampshire Radiology Technology Licensing and Professional Organizations Contact Information

  • Credentialing Agency: American Registry of Radiologic Technologists

Click Here to visit their website.

  • Professional Organization: New Hampshire Society of Radiologic Technologists

Click Here to visit the website

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