Online Medical Assistant Degrees
Medical assisting is the fastest growing job in the health care field, primarily due to the broad training that medical assistants receive. Medical assistants perform many of the same tasks that nurses perform and are therefore considered a critical component in the functioning of a medical office or hospital. This is a lucrative and exciting career to enter. Formal training in medical assisting has become a standard requirement for employers when hiring a medical assistant.
Become a Medical Assistant
- Career Plan: How to Become a Medical Assistant
- Medical Assisting Schools
- Online Medical Assistant Degrees
Medical Assistant Career Resources
Online medical assistant programs have made getting the formal training and education to begin a career in medical assisting convenient and fast. An online associate’s degree in medical assisting can often be completed in less than two years. Online medical assistant degrees are an excellent option for working professionals, people in rural areas, areas where there are no convenient campus locations, and those wanting a flexible education option.
Things to Consider When Choosing an Online Medical Assistant Program
An important thing to look for when you are choosing an online medical assistant program is that if upon graduation, you will be eligible to sit for a national certification exam. There are a number of schools offering medical assisting degrees online, but not all are accredited by associations or agencies that will allow you to sit for the Certified Medical Assistant exam. The CMA exam is given by the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) while the Registered Medical Assistant (RMA) exam which is offered by the American Medical Technologists. Completion of a program that is accredited by the Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) or the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) will make you eligible to sit for these exams. In addition to many employers requiring a formal medical assistant education, there is an increasing trend to also require a potential employee to have national medical assistant certification. When researching online medical assistant degrees, confirm that the graduation from the program that you are considering will make you eligible to sit for national certification exams. By doing so, you will separate yourself from your peers in this rapidly growing, yet competitive sector of health care.